Storm Isle Productions launched Netstorm RTS inspired gamestyle reboot effects test video

The Storm Isle Productions reboot of Netstorm RTS inspired style gameplay has reached 7% funded on indiegogo over the holiday weekend, the team has also been hard at work working on new content and also updating effects for the world map, to this end the team has been working on lighting adjustments and testing new visual effects to bring world maps alive! the SIP team has put out a new short video clip showing these new game effects and can be seen at the below link.

Indiegogo campaign page!

Big news on the DOTS RTS rebirth of Netstorm style gameplay Indiegogo campaign!

Storm Isle Productions DOTS RTS indiegogo campaign today got a big boost in backing with a pledge of 1k support from Alan Wilson from Tripwire interactive in a show of support for our project. Tripwire Interactive are the makers of the killing floor games and Rising Storm Red Orchestra.

The project is now at 17% funded mark!

Got invited to come onto the Sam-Skatch program on WASDRadio, Check out my interview about the DOTS RTS reboot project, Interview starts at around 27:20

Update: Initial test Sun faction unit production icons done for the unit production bar, these are stand in icons until the final polished icons are done.

Also got the initial test sun faction stand in meshes into the unity engine.