Straight path between waypoints on dolly track

Hi everyone, I’m creating a cinematic in Unity. I’ve made a dolly track and a curved path (along Waypoints 0 to 3) for the camera to follow. Now I want to add Waypoint 4 but I want the camera to go straight from 3 to 4. If I manually move Waypoint 4 to the final position, the dolly automatically creates a curve which affects also the other waypoints. How can I make the path straight just between Waypoint 3 and 4 without affecting the curve that goes from 0 to 3? I’m looking everywhere and it sounds so simple but I can’t seem to be able to find a way… Thank you in advance!

What version of Cinemachine? Can you show the inspector for the path?

Hi all, 2022.3 but I’ve solved it. I used CinemachinePath instead of CinemachineSmoothPath, thank you!!

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