Hi all,
well I have a very, very strange problem lately. I have my main object (submarine) which has a joint where I attach an instantiated torpedo prefab to it. So far so good. The submarine itself is a rigid body as well as the torpedo. I have some buoyancy for the submarine and the torpedo as a child should move together with the sub.
Actually it does for normal frame rates around 60 fps but when the frame rate drops to, let’s say below 15 the torpedo doesn’t move synchronized with the sub anymore. I guess this must have something to do with the physics involved?
I’ve made two videos to show the effect:
Full framerate and normal behavior:
Low framerate:
I have absolutely NO clue what’s going on here… Thanks for your help! Oh and it’s Unity 5.1.1p3 by the way…
edit: Hmm… just removing the rigid body from the torpedo solves it. Well as the torpedo doesn’t necessarily needs real physics it should do the trick.