Strange error on WebGL export involving IL2CPP.

Hi all,

I am trying to export my game in webGL with unity 5.2.4f1.

At the end of the compilation i got this error:

IL2CPP error for method 'System.Void Runner::OnDeserialize(UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkReader,System.Boolean)' in FowClient.cs:5
Additional information: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.

Seems like IL2CPP is canceling the compilation, but dont really understand why as the game compiles well on WebPlayer and windows stand alone.
A strange thing: if i remember well i was running 5.1.3 the last time i tested to export, and the game was compiling.

Any hint ?


This sounds perhaps like you might get more of an answer in the webGL forum, if you haven’t already tried there.

Or if you get no answer, file a bug with as small a project as possible that reproduces the problem.

You are right Kurt, i hope i will be excused for the double post then.
I try it on the webGL section.
