Strange GCAlloc on each frame even on an empty scene on Unity 2022.3.34f1


I switched to this specific version of Unity, and also use URP for the first time. I noticed a GCAlloc on each frame whatever the conditions. Even if I close almost all the editor views and start on an empty scene.

Here’s a screenshot of the hierarchy with a deep profile:

Unity 2022.3.34
iOS platform

I’m not sure if this happen only on editor. I don’t have any opportunity to profile it on build for now.

Note: DontDestroyOnLoad seems to contains items, but it’s actually only [Debug Updater] that is created automatically on URP. Deleting it in runtime doesn’t change anything with the gcalloc.

Did anyone notice the same issue?

Then wait until you can. The editor produces garbage for sure. The only relevant piece of information is: what is the build doing?

For now just assume that builds will be fine.

I could check on build since then and I can confirm there are no garbage collect.