Strange Graphics Glitches in Build

Hey Guys,

Yesterday I made a build with the current b19. While the game looks fine in the Editor, there are strange glitches in both the windows and the mac build. I also tried to export a build after removing all the image effects and also with GI off, but it still looks same. Whats also interesting is, that the room with the rainbow glitch looks fine in another scene in the build (same model and same textures)
I have no idea what the reason could be. Using the deferred linear pipeline.
Thanks for your help.

Could it be a bug in the new motion based AA?

I don’t think so, i’m using smaa, and i also tried to export a build with all effects off, still having the same glitches…

Have you tried changing to a different graphics api e.g. OpenGL, DX11, DX12?

Yes, I made the windows build with DX 9 and DX 11 and for the Mac build i tried both Open GL and Metal… It’s really strange that there aren’t any glitches in the editor… Is it possible that the system I make the builds with (Mac with OSX El Capitan) is the reason for the glitches? I’ll try to make a build with a windows PC and see if that makes any change.

It’s strange, after activating GPU Skinning in the player setting, the glitches are gone… but i still don’t know the exact reason and why activating GPU Skinning gets rid of them…

You have submitted this is as bug to Unity?

Have you tried this on more than one PC/Mac/GPU?

This look like something I got before. When the glitches started happening they would come and go randomly depending on the weather outside when we build the game ;-), and of course nothing in the Editor.

And then they kept happening more frequently, turns out that we had too many textures referenced by Resources folders so the generated “resources.assets.resS” next to the build was sitting around 4gb. The bigger the file got, the glitcher it would get.

If it’s still happening, try reducing the size of your Resources.