Strange lighting bug

Very simply, why does this happen?:

The first image is just with the light off, but the second is when i turn my light on, and for some bizzare reason this turns off the pointlight from the tulip. does anyone know why and how to prevent this?

I think that he doesn`t turns off the light of the tulip, but “blocks” it, since the light from the lantern has a greater intensity

That or you only have 1 additional lights enabled :stuck_out_tongue:

why does the image go black though? is there a way to prevent this?

also sorry for taking so long to reply christmas and all :sweat_smile:

If you use multiple additional lights, you have to make sure the URP asset has that amount of additional lights enabled. Maybe there are too many lights acting on one object, culling the one you don’t want to be culled.
We cannot help much more without seeing any settings and project setup

i can send over some images of the settings and stuff as well as explain my issue more thoroughly later in the day :slight_smile: thanks for helping

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it would be interesting to know how you implemented the glow of the tulip (pink). Point light is a very specific method that takes into account the geometry of the scene and often interacts badly with quads (images are not illuminated and often have reflections only from the front side). I would recommend just creating a material for the tulip object (unlit) where you set the lighting value to high.