Strange lighting problem.

I’ve been hit with an issue I can’t seem to fix.

The shadows of objects don’t seem to properly align with the objects that cast them. Which gives my objects the appearance of floating.

No matter how much I lower the object their is always a gap. Changing the light bias does nothing.

Anyone know of anyway to fix this?

Read about Bias Value.

As I said changing the bias does nothing. The shadows remain exactly the same.

Ohhh sorry i don’t read this :/. So if bias is good i don’t any thinks why shadow preserves that.

It may be a bias problem. The thing is when I change the bias it doesn’t change anything at all. All shadows remain exactly the same.

How are you changing the bias?
I believe it should be lowered to be more accurate. Zero shadow bias means the shadow begins at the base of the object casting the shadow. afaik

I’ve been looking into it, it seems the bias settings on point lights are ignored. Bias is working on directional and spotlights but it does nothing on point lights.

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