in my other project this problem is not there with the same room, problem is when i am made it an asset and imported it in my project, The problem is only in this project [ABOVE IMAGE - IMPORTED THE ASSET IN IT], in other projects if i run the same thing, it works fine
Did you restart the project after enabling the “Use Direct3D 11” option? Or try troubleshooting by using a different “type” of light. Not sure how to fix this as I only do programming and not much within unity itself. Hope you get this fixed!
Did you try to increase scale for the objects with those lines in the lightmap?
Most likely the lightmaps are compressed, so you may to try it out without compression.
compression settings are same, but i have noticed 1 thing -
after baking , in my project with problem , the size is 5.3 mb but in othr project when i bake same, size goes to 10.7 mb
i think the problem lies here but why is it happening ?
When i import same unity package in my project, it shows issues, but if i import it in my new or in any other project, it is fine… My head is aching
A message is coming in inspection > a shader is using white color, which does nothing: Consider using mobile diffuse shader for performance but this option is not coming anywhere else
Hi - this does indeed look like texture compression banding artefacts in the lightmapping texture. This may be caused by the way direct-x 9 (what it uses when you uncheck ‘use direct x 11’) renders the blending between the lightmapping and the surface shader on your graphics card. In any case you are best off with with direct 11 and adjusting the lighting to match. You may want to try switching to linear colour space before you start balancing you scene. Try also looking at the resulting lightmapping texures and adjusting the settings - more info is available here:
The bug reporter is inside Unity > Help > Report a bug. We can’t guarantee how quickly your issue will be looked at, but if you you have no traction within a week or so, you can drop the reference number here and somebody will try and take a look. So follow the instructions above first, refer to the docs and try to make some changes and then submit your project once you have some steps to reproduce the issue.