Strange problem when using Banner Ads & Interstitial Ads

So I’ve decided to ad Banner Ads to the main menu of my app, and one other scene. When I load the other scenes where I dont want banners to appear (90% of the app) I am using a line of code to hide the banner ads as such:

public void LoadRefTables()

So basically my app is a Question/Testing app, and once you’ve finished answering the questions it displays an interstitial video ad before displaying your final score.

The issue: When banner ads are enabled (using the script in the Unity Ads integration guide) then the interstitial video ad is NOT INTERACTABLE in the Unity Editor - i.e. I can’t close or skip the video ad to get to the final score screen.

I have no idea why that would be, but it would appear that there is a hidden banner ad ontop of the interstitial video ad making it non-interactable - just my guess. Can someone tell me how to work around this? Is there a way to properly destroy the banner ad instead of just hiding it?

I haven’t tested it by building to my device yet, so in the interim ive just commented out the banner initialisation.

This should work with no issues when you build to a device. The banner placeholder shown inside the editor doesn’t reflect how live banners function.

Hi - yes when building to the device it works fine. However in the editor it doesn’t and that prevents me from being able to test the app end-to-end with commenting out the banner code. Its minor, but perhaps one to add to the backlog to sort out?

You’re right, it’s not an ideal situation. In the meantime, you can use platform-dependent compilation to make your banner code only run on live builds and not in the editor: