Strange spheres everywhere in "Project: Stealth"


im working through all the beginner tutorials and right now i try to do project stealth. The problem is, that somehow after unity did some stuff (i dont know exactly what) i got all these strange spheres all over the scene.

Does someone know how to get rid of them…? They are kinda annoying… :confused:
Im using Unity 5 for all tutorials and had some problems on the other tutorials too, but there i could figure out some solutions through google and trial&error. But this time i dont have any ideas :smile:

What you’re seeing are light probes. They are used by the engine to handle lighting for dynamic objects.

While you can remove them, you are better off simply hiding the symbols representing them. Simply uncheck LightProbeGroup under the Gizmos menu.

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lol… ^^
Thank you!
Well, now i have another issue and i didnt want to make another thread for it because it is the same project.

The problem ist, that the baking makes my scene much brighter than in the tutorial video…
I know that the tutorial is not using Unity 5 but there has to be a solution for this, or not?

I tried to make the same settings in Unity 5, although most of them are just not… there anymore.
The result ist this:


My scene:
