I’m guess we managed to corrupt something, question is how do you fix it? I forget when or how, but I was importing some data packages for a project, then cleaning them up by removing stuff, replacing prefabs, etc. One day I started getting this information(Not warning or error) in the log at seemingly random times reading:
A tree couldn’t be loaded because the prefab is missing UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object, Object) UnityEngineInternal.Prototype:.ctor(GameObject, Single) UnityEngineInternal.TreeDatabase:RefreshPrototypes() UnityEngineInternal.TreeDatabase:.ctor(TerrainData) UnityEngine.Terrain:OnEnable()
There was a terrain object in the data package, but it seemed fine, it had its textures, it’s data, I didn’t see anything “missing” from its properties. I even dragged the terrain it imported onto the scene and deleted the old one just to see, but I still seem to get this report. It’s not having any harmful side effects to the project but it is driving me crazy and wish I knew how to fix it - any ideas?
Actually yes I did! Sorry forgot to post back here. So eventually it drove me crazy enough that I decided I wasn’t going to do any more work until I figure it out. For me, I found if you select your terrain in the scene and click the Place Trees tool, I had an undefined tree(Shouldn’t have been any trees). So all I had to do was select “Edit Trees” and remove the undefined one(Hard to tell because it just appears invisible if I remember) but you’ll know an undefined tree is there because if there’s none the box actually explicitly says “No trees defined.”
Hope that solves your problem and if not maybe it will send you in the right direction to fixing your specific error.
I had the same error in (Unity3d 5.3.1) 2015! The Terrain indicated that a “Tree” was “Missing”. Had to select it and either create a prefab for it or remove it but it’s hard to tell how to select it because it doesn’t have an icon.