Hello, i was trying to make items in hands smoothly move with Vector3.Lerp and Quaternion.Lerp, thre is all the code for this
using UnityEngine;
public class SmoothHoldPosition : MonoBehaviour
public float PositionHardness;
public float RotationHardness;
public GameObject HoldPosition;
void Update()
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, HoldPosition.transform.position, PositionHardness * Time.deltaTime);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, HoldPosition.transform.rotation, PositionHardness * Time.deltaTime);
But Vector3.Lerp gives strange jittering effect.
(you can see a lot of little jittering overall and some big jumps like in 0:07 - 0:08)
I think i may be caused becouse of rigidbody player but i dont know how to fix it
Also i noticed that jittering is only going on with position of the object, if i replace transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, HoldPosition.transform.position, PositionHardness * Time.deltaTime); with transform.position = HoldPosition.transform.position; i will be able to see that rotation is always nice and smooth
You have mismatching update loops. Physics frames can occur 0, 1, 2, or more times in a given game frame (Update). So between any two Updates, your player object will move an inconsistent distance, because a different number of FixedUpdates will have happened. If your object is following a rigidbody in such a way that the distance from the rigidbody matters (as it does here), put its code in FixedUpdate.
The third argument to Lerp must smoothly go from 0 to 1.
In line 10 and 11 you are multiplying it by Time.deltaTime before passing it in.
That cannot be correct.
Here is how to lerp correctly over any arbitrary time interval.
The Lerp could be any Lerp: Vector2, Vector3, float, Quaternion, doesn’t matter. Pay attention to the code that produces the fraction from 0.0f to 1.0f.
Thanks, but i want object to continually and smoothly move towards needed position with speed that depends on distance between the objects, and Lerp best suited for this for example if i use 0.5f as third argument object position will be just between its last position and nedded position, so if i do it each frame with Update function with each frame object will get closer to needet position by half (something like this)
But time between frames always different so i multiplying the third argument of Lerp function by Deltatime so it will get closer to end position by half not each frame, but each second
If i remove Time.deltaTime from Lerp function it will do just what i expect it to do but it will depend on fps what i dont want, i want it depend on time
Pardon me, I stand corrected. You are absolutely correct. I use that “lerp myself to there” mechanism all the time for smooth approaches/cameras. I misread what you were feeding in as the first arg, which is of course yourself
In this case I agree with StarManta, it is likely something related to order of execution or Update() vs FixedUpdate().
If you’re doing updating in FixedUpdate(), do camera in there, ideally as an explicit call to your own MyUpdate() function in the camera script, AFTER the move. Here’s the timing diagram:
No, i tried that too, but still get the same result as FixedUpdate with Time.deltaTime. The one way that i dont get jittering is if i do it in Update function without Time.deltaTme and it looks kinda like this
using UnityEngine;
public class SmoothHoldPosition : MonoBehaviour
public float PositionHardness;
public float RotationHardness;
public Vector3 Velocity;
public GameObject HoldPosition;
void Update()
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, HoldPosition.transform.position, PositionHardness /* * Time.deltaTime*/);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, HoldPosition.transform.rotation, RotationHardness /* * Time.deltaTime */);
For now i probably will use Application.targetFrameRate to limit max framerate and also will try Kurt’s way but i still have no idea how to fix this issue
Have you tried setting your character/object Rigidbody’s “Interpolate” setting to Interpolate? You could also try setting the Collision Detection on the Rigidbody to “Continuous Dynamic” or something like that.
Also, have you tried “lerping” both objects. Try moving the first object with linear interpolation, and the second follow object as well. So all objects are lerping.
To be fair, I’ve never actually gotten Unity to be “perfectly” smooth at anything. Even using linear interpolation in code and Rigidbody settings. But you can get pretty close.
Like people have been saying above this, usually placing your code in the FixedUpdate function tends to work, so that is a bit unexpected that it’s not for you.
Note: Also you could try checking/changing some of your physics settings generally (in the project settings). If all else fails, sometimes changing your FixedUpdate time (in time settings) is an option (but this can heavily affect performance in the rest of your game). Be sure to keep track of all of your settings so you can revert back to them if you need to, and/or save a copy of your project before messing with a ton of settings.
What’s the code that moves the rigidbody? Do you apply forces? Do you set the velocity? Do you set the regidbody’s position or its transform’s position? Does it use FixedUpdate or Update for movement of the target object?
Also note that with your current setup, the rigidbody necessarily needs the interpolation setting if the movement is driven by physics, because your camera is a child of it.
Detach your camera and check which one actually moves jittery, the target object, or the object’s that’s following. You should see jitter for one of them if there’s any at all. It’s not very unlikely that the target object is the one that actually experiences jitter. Having the camera as a child might fool you into thinking that everything else jitters.
It’s generally a good practice to move the camera in LateUpdate anyway.
Small side note: probably not the primary issue in your case because you’ve already tested the behaviour in a build, but still a good thing to know about - make sure you always test movements without having any of the objects selected in the hierarchy - the editor GUI and its overhead tends to make some object’s movement look jittery when they’re selected, because it updates the inspector very often.
Suddoha brings up a good point; there might be other physics forces causing that. He appears to be just lerping position which should not cause behavior he is seeing.
The only thing that may cause jittering is Velocity Limit in the end of the FixedUpdate, but velocity doesnt shake in inspector, and Player always moves smooth
There is all Player script