Strange white line on the horizon

Hi!, I was using a cube to simulate a player in my game, and everything was normal until I decided to change from a cube to a capsule, and then a strange line is on the horizon right now and if a change to a cube again it just dissapear, what is going on? And yes I know it could be the crippling planes, but with the cube and the capsule they are the same values, yet the problem only happens on the capsule.

Here is a image of the line

Is your camera precisely at the top or bottom of the cube and you are seeing either the top or bottom plate almost perfectly end-on?

Yes, I’m seeing the bottom plate of the cube almost perfectly because the camera is precisely at the top of said cube. Same thing goes for the capsule in terms of camera placement, but in this case I only see this “white line” not the bottom plate as in the cube.