I was wondering if anyone has had good success exporting from Strata into Unity.
I have Strata Design 3d SE on Mac.
The materials tend not to look right. I tried a Collada export and import.
Plane in Strata:
Plane in Unity:
Materials in Unity:
For some reason, there’s no bluish material even in Unity.
Any ideas? Maybe some way to bake a texture onto the plane?
Thanks. Have a blessed day.
Hi boolfone! I haven’t used Strata before so I’ll be guessing and making assumption, but hopefully I can help you out
Something to keep in mind when moving between Strata and Unity, or really any pipeline is that is going to be a difference in appearance. There are a ton a variables, from difference in lighting, shader models, to export/import settings, errors, or something not being carried over.
I have a few guesses but my first question is how are you exporting the asset? Fbx, collada, obj? Looking at the Strata scene, the color information looks to be coming from a texture file, not the materials. When you export the asset to Unity you’ll also need to import the texture file and apply to the same material is was applied to in Strata. If you’re using .fbx, there might be an option to embed the texture into the fbx.
Anyways, that’s my first guess. Hope it helps.