when i start running my game, i have lots of assetbundles to load (10-15 bundles).
In a foreach loop of my start-function, i call my assetbundle-download method.
Here i´m using the AssetbundleRequest and loadAsync functions.
At the same time it downloads my assets, i want to visualize a loader progress bar.
Unfortunately the progressbar is stuttering because of the high impact of the downloads.
Here´s a snippet of the assetloading function:
_download = new WWW(_path);
yield return _download;
if(_download.isDone == true) {
// DL complete
if(abr.asset != null && abr.isDone)
// Save Assets
_objectDownloadComplete = abr.asset as Object;
_download = null;
I´ve changed nothing on the Application.backgroundLoadingPriority .
What´s wrong with that code? Any ideas how to stream the assets into the scene smoothly without any disturbance?
Would be great to know.
Thanks for your time and help.