Could anyone possibly show me how to transfer the byte of a texture from one client to another (using Unity’s built in networking if possible). Essentially I would like to stream the texture from an object on client1 to an object on client 2. I would like to do this for as many frames possible (so compression/decompression would be nice). This is for experimental purposes so I’m not as concerned with bandwidth usage as I am with proof of concept. Any help achieving this affect would be greatly appreciated.
You can use Texture2D’s GetPixels, then transfer them the same as any other data.
With unity networking, nope, not reasonably as you have to convert all to strings and even there you have size limits.
But with regular sockets, there is no reason why it shouldn’t work
To those of you who want to know, Dreamora’s suggestion was the route I ended up taking. I turned the textures2d.getpixels into bytes and sent them over standard udp sockets. Reconstructed the texture on the other side and voila, streaming textures.