Streched pixelation and Texture problem

Hello !

everything was working fine until last month.

I make all my objects and texturing in blender. all my objects are using only 1 texture (its a color palette ) and on top of that i am using a material that pixelate that texture (created by my friend )

and with last few exported items . mostly large objects like buildings ETC

those pixelated textures are streched ( screen shot in the attached image )

i dont know what caused this problem especially because i didnt change anything in blender and dont recall changing anything in UNITY3D editor .

Thank You kinfly for all Help .



Incorrect UV coordinates?

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Ok i got it!!

it was my mistake only. i was using smart uv map and this was stretching the pixelation on the texture. When i use simple unwrap it works fine .

Thank You and sorry for such rubbish on forum