Strike detection not working when it should

Here I have a method I call, and every time the count variable is always 0. Don’t know why. After I bowl a strike, this method is invoked after a few seconds so the pins have time to fall. When I did get a strike, it says 0 pins fell. It says 0 every time. No idea why. When I get a strike, and all the pins have fallen, their X rotation is ALWAYS larger than 10 or smaller than -10.

public bool StrikeDetection()
  int count = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < Pins.Length; i++)
  GameObject pin = Pins[i];
  if(pin.transform.rotation.x > 10 || pin.transform.rotation.x < -10)
  return count == 10 & true | false;

What in the world? When I print the x, it appears to be a way smaller (if not 0, which has been printed before) than the shown rotation on the inspector! How can this be?

Solved, I think. Needed to get eulerAngles. :slight_smile: