string function documentation?

Is there any documentation on what can be done with strings? To start with, I need the indexOf() function, which is IndexOf() in Unity, but there are others I will need. There’s nothing in the reference section for strings.

That’s because it’s .Net, not Unity-specific…look up .Net docs for that stuff.




tx. I’ve avoided .NET for many years, I hope I can continue doing that while using Google to find docs.

this is so crazy. someone please tell me why this doesn’t work. i must be missing something huge yet invisible.

indexOf() will only work if i " import System; " right?

but if i do that, suddenly all my Random functions become “ambiguous” and all sorts of other arrays get “out of range” errors.

is there seriously no simple way to do this with javascript in unity as-is ??
all i want to do is parse a string of comma deliminated floats into an array for loading
/pulls out more hair

You don’t need to import System to use methods from the String class. If you did need to import system, you’d be able to disambiguate your Random calls by writing them as UnityEngine.Random (or System.Random, if you wanted the .NET version).

Are you getting the capitalisation right? It needs to be IndexOf, not indexOf.