String Multiplying

Hi guys i have a problem.I have set all some of my int into string to work with another script(only chance for the script to work) and now i cant multiply the value of that string so i converted the involved one into a int and found another way.

I need to change that int into a string for that function only and change it back when its done.Then i cant multiply it however i want.

if (CurLevel >= MaxLevel)
			CurLevel = MaxLevel;
		int ExpToLevel : String;
		ExpToLevel = ExpToLevel.ToString();
		int result = string.Compare(Exp, ExpToLevel);
		if (result == 0);
			else if (result > 0) // More than enough
			    NextLevel = CurLevel + 1;
			//ExpToLevel *= 2;
				if(Network.peerType != NetworkPeerType.Disconnected)
				    PlayerPrefs.GetString("PlayerScore" + NetworkManager.Instance.PlayerName, Exp);
					Debug.Log("RankManager Getting Int");


I need the (//ExpToLevel to be an int on line 13) but need it to be string on line (7)
if i dont convert it to string my other scripts wont work because i tried int and dint work.Here’s my other thread (Not receiving exp - Unity Answers).thanks

As I wrote in your previous discussion you dont need your ExpToLevel variable to be string.
Make it and Integer. You cannot make math operation with strings its not what it made for.

int difference = ExptToLevel - Exp;

if(difference <= 0) //more than enough or just enough
   ++CurLevel; //increase level
   Exp = difference //add the rest. It will be 0 if he     collected just enogh exp

This is an obvious thing to use Integer and not string