string to float,converter string to float

Hi! Can anyone help me with this code I’m having an error converting string to float. the error is in “2A58”.

using System;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;

public class Fusion : MonoBehaviour
private string DeviceName = “SMART TATTOO”;
private string ServiceUUID = “180C”;
private string Characteristic = “2A58”;
private string Characteristic2 = “2A56”;
public float speed = 5.0f;

enum States

private bool _workingFoundDevice = true;
private bool _connected = false;
private float _timeout = 0f;
private States _state = States.None;
private bool _foundID = false;
private string _deviceAddress;

[SerializeField] private TMP_Text stateText;
[SerializeField] private Transform cube;
//private Quaternion inverseQt;
//private Quaternion rawQt;

void Reset()
    _workingFoundDevice =
        false; // used to guard against trying to connect to a second device while still connecting to the first
    _connected = false;
    _timeout = 0f;
    _state = States.None;
    _foundID = false;
    _deviceAddress = null;

void SetState(States newState, float timeout)
    _state = newState;
    _timeout = timeout;

void setStateText(string text)
    if (stateText == null) return;
    stateText.text = text;

void StartProcess()

    BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.Initialize(true, false, () =>
        SetState(States.Scan, 0.1f);
    }, (error) => { BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.Log("Error: " + error); });

// Use this for initialization
void Start()
    string Characteristic = "2A58";
    cube.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
    if (_timeout > 0f)
        _timeout -= Time.deltaTime;
        if (_timeout <= 0f)
            _timeout = 0f;

            switch (_state)
                case States.None:

                case States.Scan:
                    setStateText("Scanning for SMART TATTOO devices...");

                    BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.ScanForPeripheralsWithServices(null, (address, name) =>
                        // we only want to look at devices that have the name we are looking for
                        // this is the best way to filter out devices
                        if (name.Contains(DeviceName))
                            _workingFoundDevice = true;

                            // it is always a good idea to stop scanning while you connect to a device
                            // and get things set up

                            // add it to the list and set to connect to it
                            _deviceAddress = address;
                            SetState(States.Connect, 0.5f);

                            _workingFoundDevice = false;
                    }, null, false, false);

                case States.Connect:
                    // set these flags
                    _foundID = false;

                    setStateText("Connecting to SMART TATTOO");

                    // note that the first parameter is the address, not the name. I have not fixed this because
                    // of backwards compatiblity.
                    // also note that I am note using the first 2 callbacks. If you are not looking for specific characteristics you can use one of
                    // the first 2, but keep in mind that the device will enumerate everything and so you will want to have a timeout
                    // large enough that it will be finished enumerating before you try to subscribe or do any other operations.
                    BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.ConnectToPeripheral(_deviceAddress, null, null,
                        (address, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID) =>
                            if (IsEqual(serviceUUID, ServiceUUID))
                                // if we have found the characteristic that we are waiting for
                                // set the state. make sure there is enough timeout that if the
                                // device is still enumerating other characteristics it finishes
                                // before we try to subscribe
                                if (IsEqual(characteristicUUID, Characteristic))
                                    _connected = true;
                                    SetState(States.Subscribe, 2f);

                                    setStateText("Connected to SMART TATTOO");
                        }, (disconnectedAddress) =>
                            BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.Log("Device disconnected: " + disconnectedAddress);

                case States.Subscribe:
                    setStateText("Subscribing to SMART TATTOO");

                        Characteristic, null,
                        (address, characteristicUUID, bytes) =>

                            var String = Characteristic.Split(","[0]);

                            float GX = float.Parse("2A58"[2]) / 10000f;   // ** error "2A58"  **
                            float GY = float.Parse("2A58"[4]) / 10000f;
                            float GZ = float.Parse("2A58"[6]) / 10000f;

                            cube.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(GZ, GX, -GY) * Time.deltaTime * speed);

                    // set to the none state and the user can start sending and receiving data
                    _state = States.None;

                case States.Unsubscribe:
                    BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.UnSubscribeCharacteristic(_deviceAddress, ServiceUUID,
                    SetState(States.Disconnect, 4f);

                case States.Disconnect:
                    if (_connected)
                        BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.DisconnectPeripheral(_deviceAddress, (address) =>
                            BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.DeInitialize(() =>
                                _connected = false;
                                _state = States.None;
                        BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.DeInitialize(() => { _state = States.None; });


string FullUUID(string uuid)
    return "0000" + uuid + "-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB";

bool IsEqual(string uuid1, string uuid2)
    if (uuid1.Length == 4)
        uuid1 = FullUUID(uuid1);
    if (uuid2.Length == 4)
        uuid2 = FullUUID(uuid2);

    return (uuid1.ToUpper().Equals(uuid2.ToUpper()));

,Hi! Can anyone help me with this code I’m having an error converting string to float. the error is in “2A58”.

public class Fusion : MonoBehaviour
private string DeviceName = “SMART TATTOO”;
private string ServiceUUID = “180C”;
private string Characteristic = “2A58”;
private string Characteristic2 = “2A56”;
public float speed = 5.0f;

void Start()

    string Characteristic = "2A58";
    cube.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;

void Update()
var String = Characteristic.Split(“,”[0]);

                            float GX = float.Parse("2A58"[2]) / 10000f; 
                            float GY = float.Parse("2A58"[4]) / 10000f;
                            float GZ = float.Parse("2A58"[6]) / 10000f;

                            cube.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(GZ, GX, -GY) * Time.deltaTime * speed); 


Here’s a valid use of TryParse.

void Start()
    string input1 = "2A58";
    string input2 = "1357";
    float num;

    if (float.TryParse(input1, out num))
        print("Invalid input");

    if (float.TryParse(input2, out num))
        print("Invalid input");

To use TryParse, you specify what type of result you want (in this case a float) and declare a variable that will hold the result (in this case it’s called num). If the input is not valid, then the code drops into the else{} block, where you handle errors yourself, rather than have the system raise an error.

Just as a quick glance at this abomination you can see that you are trying to convert a letter into a number
when using float.Parse you give a stringed number and expect the machine to convert it to a float type but when there are non convertible characters (anything that is not a number or “.” or “,” depending on your settings if not mistaken) it returns an error because it has to convert it, in practice if you have such a situation that a string can hold non numerical characters you would use float.TryParse which will try to convert to a string to its float but if unsuccessful will not throw an error, and also seem confused by why are you taking characters that are outside of the string length

float GY = float.Parse("2A58"[4]) / 10000f; float GZ = float.Parse("2A58"[6])

(“2A58”[4]) returns no character and so does (“2A58”[6])