StringTableEntry IsSmart property does not behave like a boolean variable

Problem 1: Set IsSmart = true two times, and the SmartFormatTag will be added twice.

Problem2 :

  1. Set IsSmart = true two times
  2. Set IsSmart = false
  3. Access IsSmart’s getter
    IsSmart is still true
    setting IsSmart = false would cause the getter to return false

I had a string importer that was programmatically importing strings, and it would set the IsSmart property on each string every import even if they were not new strings. I ended up with hundreds of SmartFormatTag on my string table entries.

If there’s a better place to post this bug, let me know

Are you using the latest version of the package? 1.3.2?
If so then please file a bug report Unity QA: Building quality with passion

I’m using localization 1.1.1 but according to com.unity.localization/Runtime/Tables/StringTable.cs at master · needle-mirror/com.unity.localization · GitHub the issue persists in 1.4.0

Could you please file a bug report?

Oops, I missed your first response before posting my last reply. I have filed a bug and the issue is IN-19839

Hope it helps, and thank you very much for your engagement on this forum!

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FYI @karl_jones , this just got resolved by Unity QA as “by design”… not sure how the incoming bug review process goes but thought I’d poke the thread just in case you care to take a look at that. I won’t bother you further. Thanks!

That’s strange. I fixed this a few weeks ago so it’s likely just an issue in the bug tracker.