Stripping does work in Personal Edition. The larger size is like due to the binary having a 32-bit slice and a 64-bit slice. You can check out this thread for a good discussion of build size:
OK, thank you very much. Yes, finally I solved removing the dSYM generation in XCode project settings. They use too much space, I think it would be better to have them disabled by default for release configuration.
I believe that the dSYM file is used by some developers to get better crash reports in release builds, so we live it enabled by default. But at least you have the option to remove it to decrease the final size of the build.
Could you explain more? dSYM uses +200MB in the binary, when upload by XCode there is an option to include them or not. You mean the user never download them and dSYM are only within the binary in the server, but not downloaded to clients?.