In the current Unity build, which I’m on 2023.3.0b6 there is no way to initialize my defined variables inside a structure?
public struct SomeHeader
public float _speed = 1.0f;
It’s complaining about c#10 and if I’m not mistaken, the current build is 9.0? .net 2.1 ?
No work around for initializing these variables for the inspector ? I read earlier something about Unity’s own branded version of c#… So I’m assuming updating the runtimes on our own is out of the question?
Hello, sorry to revive the thread, but I have the same problem. It looks like @wildCherri had the same problem I did, but presumably has a solution. What can I do to initialize the struct with the Parameterless Struct Constructors being unavailable in c# 9.0?
I have an older project in 2021.3.17 and I use structs. I was very happy with my implementation. I am guessing you really want to set these values in the Inspector which was not what I wanted.
I have them declared as public readonly struct ExampleStruct
The properties have a public getter and an “init” setter which allowed me to set them as I needed them once when created. Not a great example below and I didn’t have an int and string but maybe this works for you?
Obviously I could pass values into the method but I didn’t need to and I just cobbled this example together.
public ExampleStruct GetExampleStruct()
return new ExampleStruct()
TestInt = 1,
TestString = "test"
If you’re not using an object initializer to set things up after the fact, a clean way is to define a static readonly instance, like what’s done for in Unity Mathematics.
struct MyType
public int Value;
public static readonly MyType Default = new() { Value = ~0 };
Also, you can always use a compiler response file or project compiler arguments to use C# 10.