Structure Booling false when created and not enter C#

I wish I wouldn’t have to make a bool from where I’m refering the bool in beginning

as if I make it in middle I can’t have it true if mouse down as it’ll make it false next frame

OR bool won’t be assigned

and in structure it doesn’t work too since I must not assign them in beginning as in code the commented one

and I don’t want to change it to a Class

is there anykind of solution or I must necessarily instantiate it in beginning for a structure

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public struct ResizeWindow {
//	public bool Resize = false;
	public void ResizeF (ref bool Resize, ref Rect ResizingWindow){
		if (Event.current.type.ToString() == "mouseDown"){
			Resize = true;
		if (Resize){
			ResizingWindow = new Rect (0,0,Event.current.mousePosition.x + 1,Screen.height/3);
			if (Event.current.type.ToString() == "mouseUp"){
				Resize = false;

OR how would I create it false when I instantiate this structure?

ResizeWindow Resize.Resize = false;


ResizeWindow Resize = new ResizeWindow (Resize = false);

or something like that

so when it’s created I automatically

if that’s not possible just let me know

OR how would I do something that GUI.Dragwindow has? so I wouldn’t need to instantiate stuff or ref or pass values

thanks in advance

Try a constructor to set the bool when the structure is instantiated

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class TestStruct : MonoBehaviour {
	public struct MyStruct
		public bool isAlive;
		public MyStruct(bool setAlive)
			isAlive = true;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () 
		MyStruct ms = new MyStruct(true);