I have two classes one called SpawnMaster which handles placement of the object and has algorithms for placement and other code related to spawning. The other class being MonsterWaveHandler which holds data in relation to which monsters to spawn and has the prefab data.
My question is if I should be instantiating the prefabs from MonsterWaveHandler and then sending it to SpawnMaster to place them or should I send the prefab data and have it instantiate on SpawnMaster.
On a related note, I was thinking of doing something like instantiating a clone of a prefab ingame but not activating at all. The reason is because there is code in the Awake class that has to do with setting it up, in theory it would be less code and more performant if it doesn’t have to be setup for every time the prefab is spawned.
The code below does not instantiate the gameobj
Creating the SpawnGroup in MonsterWaveHandler.cs
private SpawnGroup CreateSpawnGroup(Vector3 targetPos, int costCount)
var spawnGroup = new SpawnGroup();
spawnGroup.FaceTarget = true;
spawnGroup.RandomizePos = true;
spawnGroup.RequiresDeployment = true;
spawnGroup.SpawnType = SpawnType.Monster;
spawnGroup.SpawnInfos = new List<SpawnInfo>();
while (costCount > 0)
var spawnInfo = new SpawnInfo();
int cost = 1;
costCount -= cost;
spawnInfo.SpawnedObject = Instantiate(GetMonsterPrefabBasedOnCost(cost)).GetComponent<ISpawnable>();
spawnInfo.Pos = targetPos;
spawnInfo.OnDestroy = ProcessMonsterKill;
return spawnGroup;
Placing the monsters on the mesh and vfx on SpawnMaster.cs
public void ProcessSpawnGroup(SpawnGroup spawnGroup)
for (int i = 0; i < spawnGroup.SpawnInfos.Count; i++)
var spawnInfo = spawnGroup.SpawnInfos[i];
Vector3 spawnPos = spawnInfo.Pos;
if (spawnGroup.RandomizePos)
if (_useNavMeshSpawn)
spawnPos = _navMeshHandler.GetRandomPointInNavMesh(spawnInfo.Pos, _minRandomDistance, _maxRandomDistance);
if (spawnPos == Vector3.zero)
else if (!SpawnAlgorithms.GetRandomPosition(spawnInfo.Pos, _minRandomDistance, _maxRandomDistance, spawnGroup.SpawnType == SpawnType.Monster ? _monsterMask : _pickupabletMask, _obstacleMask, _checkRadius, out spawnPos))
spawnInfo.SpawnedObject.GameObject.transform.position = spawnPos;
spawnInfo.SpawnedObject.GameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(spawnGroup.FaceTarget ? GetLookRotationToTarget(spawnInfo.SpawnedObject.GameObject.transform.position, spawnInfo.Pos) : spawnInfo.SpawnedObject.GameObject.transform.eulerAngles);
if (spawnGroup.RequiresDeployment)
_dataPool.GetSpawnDeployer(spawnGroup.SpawnType, spawnInfo.SpawnedObject.GameObject.transform.position, spawnInfo.SpawnedObject.GameObject.transform.rotation).Setup(spawnInfo.SpawnedObject);
_audio.PlayOneShot(_dataPool.GetSpawnSound(spawnGroup.SpawnType), .4f);