like many, we have a game with lots of levels and various menu screens.
we are targeting mainly mobile, so load times and stutters are more obvious.
we also have 15 person dev team in different locations.
I’m interested in what experience people have with how to split the game into chunks,
balancing performance needs with a smooth modular workflow.
options seems to be:
- separate Unity scenes for each logical game screen
good: this allows
creation and reuse of prefabs easy
for different devs to tackle
different sections
bad: memory
management across scenes - things
like dynamic atlases become harder to
use stutters on loading other scenes
(maybe can be covered with loadAsync?)
- one huge scene for the whole game, prefabs for each scene
using prefabs and “clones” of the main scene,
allows individual devs to work on
each prefab and commit separately,
even though they are technically
working on the same “scene” at the
same time. this approach simplifies
memory management, and avoids any
stuttering as scenes load. we are
also using dynamic atlases to load
content in and out as needed
we went with this approach, but have hit quite a few problems.
for example the unity editor doesnt support “nested prefabs” so this means its hard to create reusable components. the one level of “prefab” is being used to separate scenes so different devs can work on the same scene but not git conflict.
another issue is properties on prefabs that need to link to their parent, cannot be applied in anything other than the master copy of the whole scene.
- code based buildup
where you create various prefabs and then have code that pulls together each screen.
this allows reusable prefabs, but you are not using wysiwg to build your screens - things have to be placed by code.
you also lose the ability to “wireup” to variables in unityIDE. a lot harder to work with.
are there any other approaches to modular way to develop a high-performance but large game?