Struggling to use call cs function in js

Hey folks. I’ve been at this fo rmost of the day. I’ve read through countless answers, google results and I’ve learned quite a bit about this in the process. I understand Unity compiles files in the standard assets folder first. Here’s my script:

 #pragma strict
    public var fileContents : TextAsset;
    function Start () {
    var mydata = fileContents.text.Split("

// pick a random number between 1 and 10
var myrandom = Random.Range(1,108000);
GetComponent(TextMesh).text = mydata[myrandom];
function Update () {
var mydata = fileContents.text.Split(”
// pick a random number between 1 and 10
var myrandom = Random.Range(1,100000);
GetComponent(TextMesh).text = mydata[myrandom];

It works great. Now I want to run this cs function, TextToSpeechManager.SendTextToSpeech(string); where string would be mydata[myrandom]. I’ve tried a ton of different combinations (obviously wrong!) and continue to get errors depending on what I try.

I have been learning to code for a while now, and continually encountering new things. It feels great to figure this stuff out on my own, but I could really use a bit of help. Thanks in advance!

Language to language communication is difficult. Here are some options

  • Mess around with the compile order and special folders
  • Convert all scripts to the same language
  • Use SendMessage