Struggling with rendering custom water shader underneath floating boat

I have a custom water shader that I use for my rigidBody boat to “float” on. However, when the boat is “floating” on the plane tiles that have the water shader equipped, the tiles below the boat render incorrectly.

Weird things to note:

  • A simple game object floating on the water does not cause this effect.
  • Turning the water shader to “GPU Instancing” causes all water tiles to behave like the tiles do when the boat is floating on them.
  • In scene view, all water tiles always look incorrect (a problem I ignored until know, not thinking it would cause any harm since they look fine in the play view).

Here is a video showcasing my problem as well:

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this post and propose a solution, I appreciate it.

EDIT: [RESOLVED] I have solved the problem. It was rather simple.

There were point lights being used as lanterns inside the ship (child objects to the parent ship), and whenever the lanterns dipped below the water level, it would cause the shader to act wonky.