Stuck on "Compiling Compute Shader" while baking APV

I didn’t have this problem before but now i have an issue where I can’t recalculate my probes.


It can be stuck like this for an hour when before it would take seconds. I assume it’s an issue with my scene cause other scenes don’t have this problem. This isn’t a large scene either, it would bake in easily less than a minute.

I’ve also tried deleting the old baked data and ensuring no hidden files remain either. A reimport also did not solve the problem.

My GPU usage has remained between 10-25% usage.

This occured in 6000.0.16 and now 21. I was able to bake lighting before, but after enabling recalculation this happened.

EDIT: The above issue only happens on my desktop. when baking on my laptop the window only appear for a second or so.

Okay so to see if i could at least see if there was some error in the cells I opened the render debugger and enabled live update. Which caused a crash… Quite a long one too…

I submitted a bug report but here’s a log…

The lighting is not baked so most of the errors are shadow atlas errors.

Editor.txt (677.1 KB)

Actually correction, displaying cells in the render debugger in general seems to be broken for me? Even in versions it worked? Not sure if this is a me thing…

yes even without live update it crashes… This wasn’t an issue before…hmm…

I will try on my laptop.

This issue also occurs on my laptop, is this a recent nvidia issue or something?

I cannot view cells in the debug mode without a crash?

Okay I found the issue, I ran a script that marked a bunch of objects as contributing to GI, one of those objects is causing this issue.

Rolling back the scene to before i did that fixed this.

Something in one of my assets is fundamentally broken and unity doesn’t know what to do with it. I also encountered this problem with GPU occlusion culling where a doorknob model caused the game to crash if it came into view.

I’ve been meaning to isolate this issue so i could report it, at minimum some kind of error should be reportable. Cause atm it just causes problems and there’s no info on what’s causing it.

Note the issue with the debug mode crashing has been reported, that one is reliable.