Student Project: 3d Platformer Tutorial Request

Hi everyone. Newbie to the board, here. I hear the support for unity development is extremely helpful and thought to start out here. I’m on a student project and am tasked with programming a 3d platformer in Unity. I looked online for a starting tutorial and could only find one for Unity 2.0. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction for a more updated tutorial for a 3d platformer? Thanks in advance! I look forward to browsing these boards over the next little bit.


unless i’m missing something, i think the tutorial for unity 2.0 should be more than enough to get you started.

unity hasn’t changed THAT much in terms of it’s interface from 2 to 2.6. if you do the unity 2.0 tutorials, and understand them, you’ll understand unity 2.6… you’ll just be pleased with a few great things it’s got.

Thanks, Hypnoslave. I’m going to get started on the 2.0 tutorial then. Thanks for the reply!