Stuttering in new 2D project

I am new to Unity, so I’m likely doing something foolish.

I’ve created a blank 2D project, and placed a cube in the center of the scene. Then, I added a new game object and attached the following script:

	void LateUpdate()
        if (Camera.current)

	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
        float movementSpeed = 8f;

        cameraMovement = new Vector3(
               Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime,
               Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime,

When I click play in the editor and hold down any of the WASD keys, it will move, but when the input axis is at full value, it seems to slow down and stutter.

Turning off vsync alleviates it somewhat, but it then seems jerky still.

When I build the project, it doesn’t seem to happen, but maybe it’s just rendering so fast the jerkiness isn’t there.

I’m I doing something naive?


Just tested with a controller–this seems only to happen with WASD. When I use my XBox controller, it is smooth as silk.


It definitely has to do with key-repeat kicking in, causing issues. I’m on Windows 10. Not sure if there are any settings in Unity editor to help with this oddity…

Seems like attaching this script to the camera and not using Camera.current in an if statement gets rid of the key-repeat issue. Unsure why…

you have lateupdate in your code use fixed update