Submeshes being discarded on export


I’m currently trying to implement the FBX exporter into our pipeline tool, but I’ve run into an issue where the sub-meshes of a mesh are being discarded on export. Am I correct to assume that submeshes are currently not supported by the FBX exporter?


So after looking into the FbxExporter, I can see that there actually is handling for submeshes. This perhaps gives me a little more understanding of what’s going on. I can only get this to work if my submeshes each have their own unique material as if they share the same material, the Fbx exporter seems to discard them.

Edit - In case anyone runs into this issue in the future, my current workaround is to create a temporary material for each submesh and assign before export.


Hi Erik! they are combined on export by default as a submesh usually corresponds to a different Material in the renderer. Would it be possible to get a little bit more information on your use case please?

I’ve had another issue and google search bring me here. This solution helped me to solve my problem.

If you can not see some part of geometry in your model, try to check material slots in your Blender project. If you don’t have one of those material in Unity, these parts can not rendered of course. Probably nonvisible part of mesh, assigned to unused material.