I have an issue related to pre-spawned ghosts. I get the following error when starting the game:
Reason is the following code, which is executed by the server on level startup, so before any client connects. The code sets the data of a ghost component used on all pre-spawned ghosts of that archetype:
// Set modifications on pre-spawned ghosts to trigger a change and cause mirroring to work properly
// (Only required on server, because it syncs to the clients)
foreach (var (_, entityTracking, coverEntity) in SystemAPI.Query<PureCover, EntityTracking>()
var updatedTracking = entityTracking;
updatedTracking.ModificationServerTickIndex = serverTickIndex;
commandBuffer.SetComponent(coverEntity, updatedTracking);
I think it is not of interesset but just in case here the code of the component:
/// <summary>
/// A component used for change tracking of entities.
/// </summary>
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = EntityTracking.Size, Pack = 4)]
public struct EntityTracking : IComponentData
/// <summary>
/// Size of the struct.
/// </summary>
public const int Size = sizeof(uint) * 3;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the server tick index on which the entity has been created.
/// When zero entity entity exists since start. This is used for pre-spawned ghosts for example.
/// </summary>
public uint CreationServerTickIndex;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the server tick index on which the entity has been disposed.
/// When zero entity is not disposed yet.
/// </summary>
public uint DisposalServerTickIndex;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the server tick index on which the entity has been modified last.
/// Creations and disposals are also always updating this field.
/// When zero entity entity exists since start and was never changed. This is used for pre-spawned ghosts for example.
/// </summary>
public uint ModificationServerTickIndex;
I suspect it has something to do with modifying pre-spawned ghosts before any clients connects, but how should this be done?
I am using Netcode for Entties 1.0.12.