Subscene confusion and how to move entity's between subscene and default world?

I’m trying to use a gameobjectconversionsystem to convert some scriptableobjects. I’ve got that working fine. But I’ve realised from a problem I had before with creating blobassets. If I create an entity in the conversionsystem then it doesn’t appear in the default world it appears in the subscene world.

I got around it before without realising the exact problem by having a gameobject thats in the subscene converted into an entity, so I then put the blobasset on that converted entity which gets automatically moved to the default world. This seems kind of confusing, if I create entity’s using code they stay in that subscene world but gameobjects in the subscene get converted and automoved.

Anyway for future reference, I’m curious how I find the worlds and how I move entity’s between them?, if anyone has a clue.

Can you create the entity in the destination world?

I don’t think I can can I? If the gameobjectconversionsystem runs in editor mode then the default world doesn’t exist at the time its run.