Subscribe to parent events from custom UXML element


Is it possible to define a custom UXML element that can be nested inside other elements to handle specific events? To be more concrete, I would like to connect a UI event to a command in my data source (similar to WPF interaction triggers), e.g. something like:

   <MyCustomTrigger event-type-id="1">
         <DataBinding property="command" data-source-path="MyCommand" />

I succeeded in creating the custom trigger class, but now I don’t know how to subscribe to a specific event from the parent element (e.g., the button click) so that I can invoke the command’s Execute method accordingly. So far, I tried to override HandleEventTrickleDown / HandleEventBubbleUp without success.

I may misinterpret your intention, but you seem to be looking for a way to register the callback on the parent. If the hierarchy is stable and that you expect the parent to stay the same, I would register to the parent in the AttachToPanelEvent and remove the callback in a DetachFromPanelEvent. We you will be added to the panel you will be able to get the reference to your parent so you could simply :


Let me know if this doesn’t answer your question. There may be a few thing that could help you in the manual page for the events and clickEvent pages.

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Hello Simon, thanks for the response! So in theory, something like this would work:

    public partial class EventTrigger : VisualElement
        public ICommand Command;

        public EventTrigger()

        private void OnAttachToPanel(AttachToPanelEvent evt)

        private void OnDetachFromPanel(DetachFromPanelEvent evt)

        private void OnClick(ClickEvent evt)
            if (Command.CanExecute(evt))

The last issue is now that I get an exception because the ICommand cannot be serialized (which is actually not what I need). I only want to display the Command property in the builder so that (with right-click) I can define a DataBinding to the Command in my DataSource (i.e. the view model).

It sounds like you may want a UxmlObject
You can then serialize IConmand as a UxmlObject reference, similar to the ButtonBehaviour example in the docs: