SubscribeToLobbyEventsAsync (Not receiving callbacks)

Well, what I’m trying to do is to subscribe to the lobby events when a player joins a room. However, the _lobbyEvents variable is still null, and OnRoomPropertiesUpdate is not being called when I update the lobby. I really need help with this as I’m new to using the Lobby Service.

Here’s the code snippet I’m currently using:

    LobbyEventCallbacks _callbacks = new LobbyEventCallbacks();
    private async void SubscribeToCalls(string _lobbyId)
        _callbacks.LobbyChanged += OnRoomPropertiesUpdate;
            _lobbyEvents = await Lobbies.Instance.SubscribeToLobbyEventsAsync(_lobbyId, _callbacks);
            Debug.Log($"Subscribe... {_lobbyId}");
        catch (LobbyServiceException e)
    private void OnRoomPropertiesUpdate(ILobbyChanges changes)
        Debug.Log("was called!!!");

Ok! I fixed it! I just needed to update my Lobby version

Well, would you change the title’s status from “Bug” to “Resolved”

Hi, I am facing the same issue but I can’t find what you meant by “update my lobby version”. Can you please provide some updated code or more details on the fix? Thanks !

Have you ever used the Package Manager to install/update any package?

Of course :smile:
I am on the last version of the package (1.1.0-pre5) and it’s still broken.
I was confused about the “Version” variable in Lobby class.

What is your issue exactly?
Could you share any script and log? It will be more specific.

That’s what I got to subscribe events.

private static async Task SubcribeToLobbyEvent()
        LobbyEventCallbacks callbacks = new LobbyEventCallbacks();
        callbacks.PlayerDataChanged += ctx => OnDataUpdate();
        callbacks.LobbyChanged += OnLobbyChanged;
        callbacks.KickedFromLobby += OnKickedFromLobby;
        callbacks.LobbyEventConnectionStateChanged += OnLobbyEventConnectionStateChanged;
            await LobbyService.Instance.SubscribeToLobbyEventsAsync(currentLobby.Id, callbacks);
        catch (LobbyServiceException ex)
            switch (ex.Reason)
                case LobbyExceptionReason.AlreadySubscribedToLobby: Debug.LogWarning($"Already subscribed to lobby[{currentLobby.Id}]. We did not need to try and subscribe again. Exception Message: {ex.Message}"); break;
                case LobbyExceptionReason.SubscriptionToLobbyLostWhileBusy: Debug.LogError($"Subscription to lobby events was lost while it was busy trying to subscribe. Exception Message: {ex.Message}"); throw;
                case LobbyExceptionReason.LobbyEventServiceConnectionError: Debug.LogError($"Failed to connect to lobby events. Exception Message: {ex.Message}"); throw;
                default: throw;

Then I update player data with that method using local saved data:

    public static async Task<Lobby> UpdatePlayerPublicData()
        if (currentLobby == null) return null;

            UpdatePlayerOptions options = new UpdatePlayerOptions();
            options.Data = new Dictionary<string, PlayerDataObject>()
                    "PlayerName", new PlayerDataObject(
                        visibility: PlayerDataObject.VisibilityOptions.Public,
                    "PlayerProfilePic", new PlayerDataObject(
                        visibility: PlayerDataObject.VisibilityOptions.Public,
                        value: CloudSaveData.playerPublicData.profilePicId.ToString())
            currentLobby = await LobbyService.Instance.UpdatePlayerAsync(currentLobby.Id, AuthenticationService.Instance.PlayerId, options);
            return currentLobby;
        catch (LobbyServiceException e)
            return null;

After the data update, none of the callback is called as I was expecting PlayerDataChanged and LobbyChanged to get fired.
I really take care of OnLobbyEventConnectionStateChanged callback value received is “Subscribed” before expecting a callback, but none of the data modification will triggers the callabcks anyway.

More infos: I don’t get any exeptions during whole process

Ok I finally found a solution.
I was looking on the samples and I found out that all samples worked with 1.1.0-pre4 package version. I switched to that and it worked without any modification, my code’ is working :smile:

So for the conclusion, callbacks are broken again with version 1.1.0-pre5 :frowning:

Have a look at this forum post (I’m guessing you were making updates and looking for callbacks to be triggered using the same player?)

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That’s exactly my problem. Thanks for the explanation!
I really don’t like this change but I will use it anyway. I will manually call my callback method with changes done on local player :slight_smile: