The requirement is to have a cascading effect on components in the inspector.
public class ObservableClass : Monobehavior
public delegate void InitializeHandler();
public event InitializeHandler Initialized;
void Initialize()
// initialize code here
if (Initialized != null)
// This is a sibling component that needs to do something after the object has been initialized by the ObservableClass object.
public class SubscriberClass : MonoBehavior
ObservableClass Observable;
public void MyMethod()
// do something to the object…
void onEnable
gameObject.GetComponent().Initialized += MyMethod;
/…Now, when I call this, nothing happens because this behavior is enabled and disabled in its own execution, so it is never in a subscription state when the event is being fired./
//private void onDisable()
// gameObject.GetComponent().Initialized -= MyMethod;
Question: Initialized is -always Null because it didn’t exist (in edit mode)?
Does it get destroyed every time?