Subscription status not updating in iOS sandbox

Hi there,

I have two problems about subscription purchase in IAP 1.23.0.
In a sandbox test of iOS, there are following 2 issues:

(1) Subscription status is not updated automatically

I purchased a subscription product.
I called “CheckSubscription()” and got the first subscription status such as “isExpired()” or ”getExpireDate()”.
After 5 minutes (1 month) from the first purchase, these statuses did not change.

Then, I purchased the subscription product again.
Dialog of iPhone mentioned “You’ve Already Purchased This Subscription”.
I got the second subscription status after that.

After 5 more minutes, this status will not be updated to the 3rd subscription status.
It is same if I wait for 30 minutes or 1 hour.

(2) Receipt is missing after closing the app
Once I shutdown the app and start again, “m_StoreController.products.WithID(productID).receipt” become null.
I was not able to check the subscription status.

Then, I purchased the subscription product again.
Dialog mentioned “You’ve Already Purchased This Subscription”.
I got the latest subscription status.
It will not be updated as I wrote in (1).

I use the following code to check the subscription status.
How can I solve these problems?
Do I need to do anything else to get latest status and keep receipt info?

public bool CheckSubscription(string productID) {

        var item = m_StoreController.products.WithID(productID);

        Dictionary<string, string> introductory_info_dict = m_AppleExtensions.GetIntroductoryPriceDictionary();
        if (item.availableToPurchase)
            if (item.receipt != null) {
                if (item.definition.type == ProductType.Subscription) {

                        string intro_json = (introductory_info_dict == null || !introductory_info_dict.ContainsKey(item.definition.storeSpecificId)) ? null : introductory_info_dict[item.definition.storeSpecificId];
                        SubscriptionManager p = new SubscriptionManager(item, intro_json);
                        SubscriptionInfo info = p.getSubscriptionInfo();

                        Debug.Log("info.isExpired=" + info.isExpired());
                        Debug.Log("info.getExpireDate=" + info.getExpireDate());

                    return true;

                } else {
                    Debug.Log("This product is not a subscription product");
            } else {
                Debug.Log("This product should have a valid receipt");
        } else {
            Debug.Log("Not available for purchase");
        return false;

I will test this behavior, thank you for providing the detailed steps. I will try the same.

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for your support.
I am waiting for your reply.

I’m seeing the same behavior in my testing. I’m hoping that that it’s just behavior in their Sandbox environment. I would expect a ProcessPurchase to fire upon IAP initialization for each subscription renew after 5 minutes. Plus, I was able to purchase the same subscription twice in a row, which should not be possible. It looks like it expires after 5 minutes, but should auto-renew. Restore looks like it works as expected, but users with auto-renewing subscriptions should not have to Restore to get their products. It should behave as expected in Production. This article comes to similar conclusions

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for testing it and providing information.
It is really helpful.
I hope issue #1 will not happen in production.

How about issue #2?
Is it also related to the sandbox environment?

I would suspect so.