When will Unity get a patch/update to support .sbsar files from Substance Designer 6? It is great to be able to manipulate our materials through different variables at run-time. SD6 finally introduced the text-node into this engine, but Unity still does not support SD6’s new nodes.
It was suggested 4 months ago that the Unity Substance Plugin was close to completion, to then await Unity’s verification before it would be released in a Unity update. 4 months and Unity still does not support SD6’s files (without removing all SD6’s benefits). What is going on at the Allegorithmic? Is the update coming? Just earlier this month you threw out a forum asking people if they’re using .sbsar files, or exporting textures from designer/painter. Does that mean the plugin won’t be receiving an update? Have you given up on the plugin, is there a team working on the plugin update at the moment, or is it in the hands of Unity’s verification team? If it’s Unity that’s delaying the plugin’s release, then wouldn’t it be possible to release the plugin as a separate download for Substance users to install on top of Unity?
I’ve always been a fan of Allegorithmic and how open they/you are to the community. I don’t like to barrage developers with questions like this, but this waiting game has gone on for too long now. If the public could at least get an estimate for the plugin’s completion (from your side, I understand it’s hard to estimate how long Unity’s verification will take), then we could estimate and work around it. As it currently stands, All of SD6’s new features are things to avoid, to ensure file support in engine. An unsatisfying result for both Substance’s developers and its consumers if you ask me.