Substitute for WaitForSeconds

Is there a way to substitute WaitForSeconds() in update. As far as I know update does not support it. Please help.

Here is the code:

void Update() {


		yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);
		transform.position = new Vector3(Random.Range (-35,35), 2, Random.Range (-55,17));

Thank You,

It doesn’t seem to be a good idea to wait in the Update method. If you want something to be done after n seconds, start a coroutine and do “yield return new WaitForSeconds(n);” there instead.

" yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);" this can only be used under coroutines.
If you really wanted to wait for second in update method try using below work around(Untested but should work)

    float UserTimer;//which has running seconds 
    void Update(){
    if(UserTimer>2)//which means if usertimer variable crosses value of 2{
    print("2 seconds completed");
    //do your stuff
    UserTimer=0;//make this variable 0 to again trigger this loop and so on..

Hope this may help you.