Successful Build and Run, but the app does not appear on my Quest 2


I have run in to this problem which is making me crazy. I have a project going on in Unity which works perfectly fine when I use the “play” button. I can see the project through my Quest 2, play around with the controllers… everything is fine. Two days ago I wanted to Build and Run the project into my Quest 2 to test the “Standalone” version. At first, it worked as expected and I could run the app in the Quest. Because I had some “bugs”, I deleted the app in the Quest and fixed them in Unity. The problem was that after Building and Running again, it wouldn’t appear in the Quest. I though that maybe it had something to do with this project, so I tried to Build and Run other projects that previously worked aswell inside the Quest, but they didn’t work too…

I’m using Meta Quest Developer Hub (MQDH) and the Oculus app.

Inside the MQDH I tried to drag and drop the apk created (another way to install the app into the Quest). After the process, I receive the message “APK successfully installed” but I still have the issue that it doesn’t appear inside the Quest.

Just to make it clear: Yes, I checked in the folder “Unknown apps” in the Quest.

So basically, I can’t test anything inside the Quest - I cant Build and Run.

Maybe re-enable dev mode?
Could it be that it is under another name?
Tried adb install via cmd as well?

Tried everything and still doesnt work.
On the Device Logs tab (opened through MQDH), once the APK is “installed”, the following error appears:


Is the android manifest setup correctly?