Successful Unity (2018.2.8f1) builds refuse to run

Currently running into an issue wherein projects that build successfully do not run, when I click on them the loading circle on the cursor runs for a few seconds and then, nothing. No error messages either, when task manager is opened, the build is listed as an active task but it has 0% CPU usage. Most times I’ve had to end the task manually but sometimes times the task will disappear from the task manager on its own. All projects regardless of scale run into the same issue. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. The log file has been attached as well.[124842-unitylog.txt|124842]

Update: Yes I have added a scene to my build, interestingly when I build for the WebGL platform the build is successful and runs just fine. When I do it on the standalone platform it states that it was built successfully but occasionally the build fails and the following errors pop up