Sudden VR motion blurriness with Vive(s)

Yesterday afternoon I noticed a very strong blurriness when moving the HMD, with trailing after effects. It only happens when I run my program from inside the Unity editor, and not for instance in Steam VR Home.

It happens in both 2018.2.6 and the latest 2019 release, in any project. Even empty projects which only have either SteamVR or the Vive Input packages installed, are affected.

I’ve first upgraded, then reinstalled the driver for my 1080Ti video card, I’ve reinstalled Steam and Steam VR. I’ve upgraded Windows 10 to the latest.

It’s neither in the specific Vive or lighthouses, because when I try it with another Vive (pro), and different lighthouse, it still occurs.

The issue occurs immediately, and because other VR programs are fine, I don’t think it’s a hardware issue.

I hadn’t changed any settings in Unity that I can think of, and I don’t know what causes this.

Do you perhaps know what I can do to fix this?

Does anyone else have this?

After a lot of trying I got it fixed. I needed to do a few things to get rid of this:

Uninstall Avast Antivirus
Turn off motion smoothing globally, and per app (This is done inside the SteamVR settings)
Make sure the Application Resolution Adjustment is at 100%, even when running the application. (Also SteamVR settings).
“Remove all SteamVR USB Devices” from the Developer tab in SteamVR Settings.

I had not changed/updated any of these things prior to the issues starting, which threw me a little, but this seemed to do the trick anyway.