Suddenly giant Library folder size (2023.2.0a18)

Hi all,

Pretty sure that is a bug … I was switching my project over to Unity 2023.2.0a18 (came from 2023.2.0a15), and now have been running into some troubling observation:
My library folder is enourmous! Jumping from around 36gig, to over 130gig now! Had my library folder deleted twice to check if that was the problem, but it keeps building up that huge folder size right from the first launch.

Its so bad that I actually ran out of diskspace to run it, which is how I noticed the problem in the first place. Now I was wondering if that is an obersvation other users have made aswell and/or if that is a known issue.

I am pretty sure its not a problem of my project, since it worked quite well before and I havent changed much since (other than code). I also was afraid at first that this might be a problem related to 2023.2 in general that I simply hadnt noticed yet… but having just checked my backup from a few days past, 2023.2.0a15 did just fine.

Thanks for any help


SRP API and Library should be reduced 5 times or more for better experience and faster responsiveness.


… did you do a platform build at all?
I have one project in this alpha and it’s at…
Assets =10gb
Library =25gb

Not sure what you mean with platform build. I am on URP, and have assets at around 70gb

  • 2023.2.0a15 → 30gb Library
  • 2023.2.0a18 → 130gb Library
    maybe when all assets and shaders would be compiled, a 130gb library would be realistic? (not sure how this works tbh). But for what I need atm, 30gb is all 0a15 takes, but with 0a18 its 130gb … maybe it tries to compile it all straight away? Again, not sure how this works.
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Just updated from 2023.1 to 2023.2; same exact issue. I am on HDRP, so this is clearly not limited to URP projects. My Library folder more than tripled in size. I’m doing some testing now to figure out where all that junk is coming from. I will update soon.

Update: the size of Library/Artifacts went from 7GB to a whopping 20GB, even after deleting and rebuilding it. Interestingly, the largest artifact went from ~200MB to 800MB. This increase in size is inexplicable, and simply absurd.

Unfortunately, due to a bug that went unfixed from 2020.3 to 2023.2, I have to use this bugged version. I will submit a bug report so this hopefully gets fixed.

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That is indeed very bad to hear. I really hope they get this fixed asap, since it really just has to be an oversight. I cannot believe this could be intentional, since this behaviour did not exist in 2023.2.0a15, which I am now stuck on using.

For now I can live with it, but when they get around fixing the “forward+” in VR bug, I really want to upgrade! XD

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Apparently, somehow this option was reset to an inactive state. I checked it, deleted Library folder and after restart Library was recreated with normal size. Tested on 2023.2.0a20.

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