Sudoku with a few twists

Hey all, I’ve begun working on a general sudoku app mostly for practice and to build out my tools for future projects. So far I’ve got the board working just fine, I have close to 6 thousand sudoku’s generated and made a brute force program to solve em. That’ll be running on EC2 for a few days :wink:

Here’s a quick look at the current status of the game.

Here are a few of the features I’m aiming at adding on top of the basic sudoku program. I want to include lots of different types of symbols to replace the numbers. I have known many people who have avoided sudoku because they mistakenly believe it to be a math game due to the numbers. A few of the different ideas we’ve had to replace the numbers are rudimentary shapes, barn animals, marine animals, aliens, fruit, and baby dinosaurs. We will be making sure that each individual symbol has a unique silhouette and if necessary contrasting colors. In this way, I’m hoping to prevent the board from being illegible.

On top of this, I am also wanting to throw in a Hardcore mode where the panels are swapped around in such a way that the solution remains the same, but disorients the player. I think this particular feature could be a hit or complete bust, but time will tell. Either way, it’s not all that much extra work on my end :smile:

Thoughts on the additions on top of normal gameplay? If you’ve made a sudoku app in the past, is there anything I should know about before it comes up ;)? Suggestions on more categories of objects to replace the numbers?

Latest update: Been working on the UI a lot. Definitely one of my worst areas and would be super happy to hear some feedback on ways to make it better. But let’s get to some screenshots.

This screenshot is a side by side of the board with all of the different UI colors available in the options menu:

This one is a screenshot meant to display the Shapes skin. I was very pleased with the results. I played with it for a short time and the shape/color combinations translated very well and did not impede my ability to understand the board.

And lastly, here we have the Options Menu. The top panel is meant to swipe left and right based on whether you’re choosing your UI color, skin, or selecting hardcore options.

Again, let me know if you have any notes on ways to make the UI better.

After staring at that ugly UI for a day, I decided I wanted to try something a bit less shitty :smile:
