More specifically, I’m building an fps style game. I’m not concerned with cheating. I would like the game to be able to work off of a server or to be locally hosted. I would like the latency to be as low. I’m looking for a free or cheap solution, not a subscription plan (atleast not yet). And I would strongly prefer if any networking choices of the player, such as choosing a game room, setting up a server, or chatting were done outside of the normal unity game; What I mean by this Is I want the networking settings to be setup through something like a windows dialog box, this is important if any of the simple systems work this way. I really don’t want any of the network settings to be accessible from inside the game itself. I’ve been looking at reviews of unity’s system, photon, u link, and a bunch of others. I’m really not sure what the best choice is for me. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
I don’t see anything in your requirements that would require you to use anything more than the built in Unity networking. Except, maybe your need for “networking settings to be setup through something like a windows dialog box” - I don’t really understand what that means or if it’s possible.
You sound like you need to get some experience under your belt. Learn the basic Unity networking tools and move on to more advanced topics after that. You’ll easily know the answers you need with a little first hand experience.