When implementing the analytics, especially the first times as I didn’t knew well how everything was working and how should I proceed, some part of your restrictions were really annoying, namely :
- event limit/hour/user
- time to first data appearing on the dashboards.
While it’s normal that such limits are put in place to reduce sever computations, it’s really not ideal when working with analytics. If you hit the event limit because you sent from the wrong piece of code, or too much, you can’t do anything else regarding analytics for an hour, so if you want to try new events, you have to wait for an hour to be able to send them to the server. Then you have to wait for at least 4h before it shows on the dashboard, or worse, to even see if it shows on the dashboard.
So, along with the already mentionned in another thread possibility to reset/delete events, could it be possible to have lighter restrictions while working on debug mode? Like, events are only sent from the editor or a development build, and then we can see them really quickly on the server, and the event limit is a soft limit (warning only). the events gathered this way don’'t have to be kept for a long time by the way, just to see if everything goes fine and we get the data we want.