Suggestion on where to start, and what to start with...

First of all, My experience goes as far as: I’ve taken a college class in Java, so I’m not that great at it… , I’m decent with PLSQL (not like it converts to this), and I played around with blender 3d for a while and made a car demo that drove around and shot bullets. Now here’s what im trying to do!

3D side scrolling fighting platformer with cell shaded 3D graphics (similar graphics to this street wrestler game )

Im going to try to learn everything on my own, and program it on my own (probably end up asking someone to team up with haha)

What programming language should I use? Or can games be created in Unity without code?
Or should I use a different game editor?

Also - I only downloaded the free version, but if I want to put something on the app store, do I just buy the full version, then it unlocks the ability for me? Sorry for the long post! Thanks ahead of time! :slight_smile:

Start following as many tutorials as you can, youtube them, there’s many out there. As your doing the tutorials and learning scripting decide what language you prefer.

and work at it from there, if you want to upload something u app store.
You need a mac
you need a cert from apple 100$
you need unity Iphone basic 400$ or advanced
and ya never done it but those are some of the basics.

OK! Thanks!

Well I downloaded the free version for now, but can I just purchase the iPhone/iPad version and copy my code for it to work?

I have not purchased the Iphone version either, I am still working with the free version of unity, because I have no mac and I want to have an idea built up of a game and I want to make and have it semi built in windows, once I actually have something made I’ll invest into a mac, apple contract and stuff

Once you purchase the next version, it just updates and everything carries over the same, but you have more build options and better features like shades ect.